Not a practice, but a Lifestyle

Mindfulness is not just a practice, but a lifestyle. I learned this early on in my training to become a yoga and mindfulness instructor with HLF. I knew this was something that would take self-discipline, practice, and introspection. Dedicating your life to live a certain way can be difficult when it is so vastly different from your present reality. Before I was brought into mindfulness, I had been managing an anxiety disorder, to no avail, since I can remember. Being worried and nervous all the time had been just another part of my daily routine for many years. This was especially true when I started college and had more responsibilities. The change in mindset came almost immediately as I began yoga training. I felt more connected to myself, nature, and the people around me than ever before just from observing life in a mindful way. I knew then that just by doing some stress breaths, a few neck rolls, and breathing deeply, I could have more control over my mood, attitude, and outlook on life than before. A mindful lifestyle can be healing and restorative if you are willing to commit.


Wouldn't be who I am today without it


The Blessing of Consciousness