LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe - VIRTUAL
Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins with Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring the depths, capacity, and meaning of love.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is cohesive and attracting, and is not bound by space or time. Learn to get in touch with and share the infinite love inside of you with meditation, yoga, and additional contemplative practices.
Join us for this virtual retreat to develop the skills needed to cultivate love within ourselves, to better love ourselves, the people in our lives, and the world. No prior meditation experience is necessary to attend.

People Who Care for People – A Retreat for Caregivers
Join a restorative retreat led by mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg and the Holistic Life Foundation's Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andrés González. Designed for caregivers and professionals across various fields, this program offers practical tools in meditation, yoga, and self-care practices. Learn how to balance compassion for others with your own needs, recharge your mind and body, and cultivate resilience through mindfulness.

Radical Self-Love Workshop
Learn to tap into the light of your universal Self in order to radically and unconditionally love yourself and those around you.

Mandela Day - Free Virtual Chair-Based Yoga Classes
Celebrate Mandela Day with a free 30-min virtual chair yoga session on July 18. Accessible to all. Register now and honor the legacy!

Raising Resilient Children Masterclass Series
Join us our Co Founders for a FREE 10-day masterclass series starting May 17.

Workshop for Professionals at University of Washington
In this workshop, participants will take a deeper dive into transformative mindfulness and yoga practices.
Drawing from their experiences, the co-founders will demonstrate easy-to-understand trauma-informed practices that address the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and adult stress. You will also learn how the brain processes stress and how mindfulness and yoga positively impact brain function and a person's ability to cope and heal from trauma.

FREE Public Lecture
In this lecture, learn about trauma-informed mindfulness strategies that empower youth by reshaping trauma reactions.
The three co-founders of the Holistic Life Foundation will be discussing how accessible mindfulness and yoga have proven benefits in reducing stress, enhancing feelings of self-worth and self-love, and create a sense of resilience and optimism.

Virtual: LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Garrison Institute presents: Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe - a Virtual Event!
Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins our founders Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring the depths, capacity, and meaning of love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is cohesive and attracting, and is not bound by space or time. Learn to get in touch with and share the infinite love inside of you with meditation, yoga, and additional contemplative practices.
In a world where division and polarization prevail, can love be known not as giving in, but as transformative? If conventionally, love is seen as weakness, can we come to understand it as a powerful force in seeking change?
How do we find balance in love amidst all of our relationships? How do we love in a way where we feel that we are not being taken advantage of? How do we know when to be compassionate and when tough love is needed? How do we love from our higher selves? How do we unconditionally love ourselves?

GROW 2024 - Yoga Expo
The 10th Anniversary Edition for The Yoga Expo | "Grow 2024"
"GROW," is inspired by the importance of both personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals, and communities in every season of life. The theme recognizes ALL aspects of growth that are fundamental to effective learning and supporting the well-being of humanity, animals and MOTHER EARTH!

People Who Care For People - A Retreat for Caregivers
Sharon Salzberg, Ali Smith, Atman Smith, and Andres Gonzalez (Co-Founders of The Holistic Life Foundation) offer a weekend retreat exploring the immense resilience of the human spirit and how to find greater balance when serving others. Recharge physically, mentally, and emotionally in a community of caretakers from all walks of life with meditation, yoga, and contemplative practices.
Take home a variety of practical tools for a uniquely personal balance of self-care:
● Meditation techniques for greater calm, clarity, and peace of mind
● Recharging breathing practices to counteract daily depletion on the job
● Learn to work with challenging emotions like anger, guilt, and sadness
● Reconnecting with deeper motivations for greater fulfillment
● Yoga practices to foster health and relaxation for the body and mind
● Working with equanimity for ongoing balance
● Build deeper connections through lovingkindness practice
Join us for a restorative weekend retreat to develop the skills needed to move towards deeper care for ourselves and others. No prior meditation or yoga experience is necessary to attend.
Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins with Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring this subject.
The virtual retreat link will be emailed to participants within twenty-four hours of your registration. Please email us at events@garrisoninstitute.org with questions.

Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times Virtual Summit
The Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times Virtual Summit kicks off Nov. 1 and promises to be a game-changer for parents like you. It’s not just about navigating challenges, it's about finding solutions that will empower you to raise happier, healthier, and more resilient teenagers. This FREE summit features 30+ world-renowned experts (including me!) in mindfulness, psychology, neuroscience, technology and other disciplines.

John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation’s 4th annual Move Your Mental Health Event
We are thrilled to share with you that our co founders Ali and Atman Smith are featured instructors for the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation’s 10-10-23 Move Your Mental Health Event!
This event is an initiative of JWB to bring you 10 movement videos that are 10 minutes long for 10 days, beginning on October 1st, leading to October 10th, World Mental Health Day!
Sign up FREE here: https://bit.ly/MYMH2023
The John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation’s mission is to change the way the world treats mental health! Their purpose is to integrate self-care approaches – such as exercise, nutrition, and mind-body practices – into treating mental illness and promoting mental well-being… Learn more about the foundation here.

Mental Health & Well-Being Global Summit
Mental Health & Well-Being Global Summit taking place online September 12-18, presented by the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation and Wisdom for Life.
This might be the most comprehensive online event ever on mental health and well-being, and everyone is invited to attend free of charge.

Book Club: Let Your Light Shine - Trauma Research Foundation
The Trauma Research Foundation invites you to Book Club, a free event open to all members of the TRF community, aims to provide a space to connect, discuss, and share the work of leading experts in the field of trauma. We seek to amplify the voices of both new and established authors and expand our organization’s reach to all members of the public interested in trauma and healing.
Registration is free and open to everyone.

The Wellbeing Summit | Omega Institute & Harlem Wellness Center
Join changemakers, wellbeing practitioners, and thought leaders for a transformative experience dedicated to advancing individual and collective wellbeing for those on the frontlines of social change.

Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds Institute
Our Co-Founder Andrés González will be a key note speaker at Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds Institute on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.
The conference theme is Building Relationships for Healthy, Equitable and Engaging Experiences for the School Community. It’s a free event with both an in-person and virtual experience. The in-person site is Montgomery County Community College, Pottstown Campus.
Andres Gonzalez will present on the topic of Transforming Schools from the Inside Out: How Mindfulness Practices Uplift Students, Teachers, and School Climate.
Six ACT48 credits are available for PA educators, and there is swag and contests for prizes and giveaways for people that attend in person.
For more information and the detailed schedule please click here

Mindfulness in Education ConferenceReclaiming Love & Joy in Our Schools
Sat Jul 14 - Sun Jul 16 at the Omega Institute | Rhinebeck, NY
Reclaiming Love & Joy in Our Schools
Mindfulness & Education Conference for Educators K-12
With Scarlett Lewis, Jennifer Knox, Sebene Selassie, Ali Smith, Atman Smith, Linda Lantieri, and Meena Srinivasan.
Help K-12 educators revive their sense of purpose and replenish their inner strength at the Mindfulness & Education Conference.

The Summit 2023 Becoming Jackson Whole
Dan Harris, award-winning former ABC News anchor, co-founder of the Ten Percent Happier app, and founding host of the Ten Percent Happier podcast, calls mental fitness the “next public health revolution.” And we’re on the forefront of it in Jackson Hole.
Becoming Jackson Whole’s mission to make mindfulness second nature here has attracted the attention of leading experts on community wellness and mental health. And they’re coming to share the latest research, tools, and practical applications with us.

34th Annual Boston International Trauma Conference
Psychological Trauma: Neuroscience, Embodiment And The Restoration Of The Self
May 17th - 20th, 2023
Real, Three Dimensional, On The Ground, In-person As Well As Virtual
For the 34th year, Bessel van der Kolk hosts some of the world’s most innovative leaders from the field of trauma, attachment, neuroscience, mindfulness, body oriented work and psychedelic studies. The study of trauma has probably been the single most fertile area in helping to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship among the emotional, cognitive, social and biological forces that shape human development. Starting with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults and expanding into early attachment and overwhelming attachment and social experiences in childhood (“Developmental Trauma”), this endeavor has elucidated how certainexperiences can “set” psychological expectations, bodily experiences and biological selectivity.

Webinar: The Power of Mindfulness in Education: Let Your Light Shine
Join this edWebinar to learn about the transformative power of mindfulness in education. Penguin Random House Education and Alliant International University have partnered to bring authors and educational leaders together for a two-part series focused on providing expertise, guidance, and resources to educators seeking to amplify their impacts.

2023 National Social and Emotional Learning Conference
2023 National Social and Emotional Learning Conference
May 15, 2023 - May 17, 2023
Finding Common Ground is our theme for the 2023 NSEL Conference with the goal of bringing together diverse perspectives to work collaboratively to foster safe and supportive environments that support academic success and meaningful engagement for all students.
Join us May 15-17 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, as we explore research-based strategies and resources that integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) skills building into daily work with students and your personal and professional growth.
Proudly presented by Center for the Promotion of Social and Emotional Learning.

Virtual: LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Virtual: LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe
May 13th at 12:30pm ET - 6pm ET
Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins with Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring the depths, capacity, and meaning of love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is cohesive and attracting, and is not bound by space or time. Learn to get in touch with and share the infinite love inside of you with meditation, yoga, and additional contemplative practices.

Let Your Light Shine: Book Signing & Discussion with the Authors
April 11th // Evening Book Event // Live Online or In-Person
Naropa University in partnership with Holisitic Life Foundation are honored to host the Colorado book launch of Let Your Light Shine: How Mindfulness Can Empower Children and Rebuild Communities by Ali Smith, Atman Smith and Andrés González, founders of The Holistic Life Foundation in Baltimore, MD.

Virtual: Mental Health & Well-Being Global Summit
Deepak Chopra, HLF Co-founders Ali Smith & Atman Smith, Gabor Maté, Tara Brach, Andrew Weil, Michael Singer & 60 more speakers…

Living an Authentic Life Summit
The online event is March 29 - April 2, and registration is completely FREE for anyone to join.
Beloved meditation pioneer Sharon Salzberg and Wisdom for Life have teamed up to bring you an extraordinary event designed to help you on a journey towards inner peace, freedom and joy.

Spiritual Strategic Plan Workshop - Inner Center, Richmond, VA
Join the Holistic Life Foundation founders for their Spiritual Strategic Plan (SSP) workshop this weekend, January 28, from 10:00 am-2:00pm at The Innerwork Center, Richmond, VA
Register here for the Spiritual Strategic Plan Workshop (SSP): https://htru.io/SAuJ